Monday, November 12, 2012

I am terrible! It has been way too long since I updated. I will try and update for the last several months. I probably will forget a lot of it. I am going back through my pictures that I took to blog about though.

I was asked to make a centerpiece for a ward relief society party. I think I talked about it in my last post. This is what I made with the help of my mom. It is a sugar cookie bouquet. It was a lot of fun to make. I remember making them with Mom when I was younger for May Day, I think, and other occasions. I got a lot of compliment on them and told I should sell them.

Ben and I went up to Billings, MT every month to attend the temple. Ben's best friend lives there and we would stay with him and make a fun weekend out of the trip. We went to A&W for lunch one day and Ben and I saw these mugs and had to get them!

We bought two big ones and two small ones. Our plan was to have a short couple from church over for root-beer floats and give them the small mugs. We never ended up doing it. We are a little sad about it but plan to find another short couple to do it to sometime. Ben has welcomed the Comin tradition of root-beer floats enthusiastically. We almost always have A&W and ice cream stocked for root-beer floats. We went through about a month where we had one everyday. We slowed down but are still stocked.

In March I finally finished one of my projects for our apartment. My dad built up our bed frame to allow for extra storage space underneath it. The alterations made it so our bed skirt did not go to the ground and looked really funny on our bed. So for a few months it was really ugly showing everything we had hidden under our bed. I finally got to fixing the bed skirt and with Mom's help this is the finished product. We added the black strip to the bottom. It looks pretty good and hides all our ugly storage.

We attended one of our nephews on Ben's sides third birthday party in June. Jeremiah LOVES Buzz Lightyear! He would only answer to Buzz some days. We didn't have any good boy gift wrap but had a plain white bag laying around from our wedding. Ben decided he would decorate it himself.
He looked up a picture of Buzz on the internet and drew it onto the bag. I was really impressed with the end result. It turned out really good! We ran out of time and were running late for the party so Ben decided Jeremiah could color it himself so the bag turned into a coloring page on top of the present.

Unfortunately I can't think of many other little highlights. I had a miscarriage in March. I was not very far along but I decided to set up an appointment to go to the doctor after the miscarriage to make sure everything was alright. It took a few months to get in to the doctor, but got an appointment for June 1st. The exciting news was finding out that I was pregnant again at the appointment. My doctor sent me to get some blood tests done and confirmed it. We were so excited!! I was also really scared, but now I am 26 weeks and everything is going great! We are due February 13th.
On September 25th we had our ultrasound and we found out we are having a little boy! My doctor says he is really tall. She considered pushing my due date forward, but she decided not to since we are both tall. He was all over the place during the ultrasound! He kept grabbing the placenta and umbilical cord. I think he is going to be crazy like his dad. When Ben was born he kept ripping all the monitors off and the doctors gave up trying to test him. I told Ben if our son comes out and does that I will cry. Just kidding.
During the ultrasound he kept putting his arms up by his face. It was pretty cute and he had his legs crossed. I was sad we didn't get a picture of that. We are going to name him Sawyer Benjamin Alvey.
I felt him move for the first time on October 12th. That was a lot of fun! I was so excited! Since then he has become very active! I likes to kick me a lot and roll around. I have only had one painful kick so far, but he does like to make it hard for me to breath by hanging out by my lungs.
 Here is my very attractive side picture at 23 weeks.
 Here is 25 weeks on Halloween. I decided after this flattering photo I don't know if I will take any more. I will just to document it but I have decided I am not the cute pregnant woman I wish I was.

 This was my awesome iron on shirt I found on Etsy. Ben said I had to get it. It was really cute and I got a lot of compliments. I have packed it away for the next time I am pregnant on Halloween now.

Ben felt Sawyer move for the first time on November 3rd. He was kicking like crazy that night. That was the first time I ever felt him with my hand too. Ben can get him to kick almost every night now but putting his arm on my belly. I think Sawyer doesn't like his dad crowding him so he kicks. It is so weird thinking that I have a little human growing inside me. We are so excited for February when he comes!

Another big piece of news that has happened to us is we moved! In July the terminal manager in Rawlins quit. After some negotiating over the wage, Ben was promoted and we moved to Rawlins. It is taking some adjusting getting used to such a small town. No Walmart has been tough. I am really starting to enjoy it for the most part now though. I have gotten to know some really nice ladies at church and am making friends. There is another woman that just moved here due the same time I am. Ben is loving his job which is great. He is in charge of one assistant and his boss lives in Denver so Ben is on his own for the most part. He does a great job and his boss loves him! We went to a managers meeting last month and his boss was bragging about Ben to all the other managers. We think he will go far in the company.He is the youngest terminal manager in Sinclair's history and was only working there for 6 months before becoming a manager! I am so proud of him, it has been a great blessing in our lives.

I think that is about all the big stuff. I will try and remember to take pictures of our duplex and post them and update the blog more often.


  1. Good job on catching up Emry! I was never the cute pregnant lady either but I did have 5 very cute babies, that is what is important.

  2. Keep posting, Emry I love it! And keep taking pictures! I absolutely love Ben's drawing and the root beer mugs (kinda want to buy some for us) and February is coming so soon!! Can't wait to see you guys for Christmas.
