Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Catch Up

A ton has happened since the last post. The main thing is Sawyer's birth and most everything else interesting has involved him also.
Sawyer Benjamin Alvey was born at 3:53 AM on Wednesday, February 20th. He weighed 9 pounds, 9.4 ounces and was 21 & 3/4 inches long. He has been an amazing baby. He has slept through the night since he was about one month old other than the last month of teething. Right now he has a cold too on top of teething and has been a bit of a terror at night. Poor little guy. He is a super happy baby though and rarely cries. You pretty much know he is hungry, tired, or needs changed if he cries. We absolutely LOVE being parents. Sawyer is a daddy's boy. Ben says he is a mama's boy but he is with me all day so as soon as Ben is home Sawyer wants Ben not mom. Ben and Sawyer have so much fun playing together!

Matney was is Casper at my parents house when Sawyer was born. These are pictures of Matthew and Sawyer together on Friday after we got out of the hospital. Matthew was one month old and Sawyer was bigger than him, but not anymore. We are excited to see Sawyer with his cousins Matthew and Pierce at the Comin family reunion in two weeks.

 Sawyer has super long fingers and toes!
He has monkey toes and will grab whatever touches them. It makes it very difficult to clip his toenails because he automatically curls them to grab your hand when you touch them.

Sawyer was jaundiced in the hospital and had to spend a day under the lights. We thought he looked so cute with his blindfold on. He reminded us of a ninja turtle a little bit.
 This was Sawyer ready to head home from the hospital.

 This was just too cute!
We were so excited when we found this little penguin snow suit! Sawyer was pretty much too big for it from the beginning though even though it was a 3 month suit. Hopefully we will have another baby that can wear it! We thought it was so cute!
 Sawyer wore the bear suit more because it actually fit him. We thought he looked pretty cute in it too!
Sawyer's umbilical cord didn't fall off until he was one month so we couldn't give him a real bath before then. This was his first real bath. He absolutely loved it and he still loves baths to this day. He has taken two showers now and he isn't so sure about them but baths are his favorite. We need to take him swimming!
I graduated with my Bachelors of Business Administration at the end of June. I love being done with school. It makes it so I have more time to just play with Sawyer rather than having to work on homework. I graduated a couple days after my birthday. Ben bought me an awesome new camera for my birthday so I have lots of new pictures of Sawyer now that I have a nice camera to take pictures. My camera had broken and I didn't even get a picture of Sawyer in his blessing outfit. It was sad, he looked so cute!

Ben and I went to Utah to go to the temple and go to our nephew's baptism. On the way down we had to stop in Heber to feed Sawyer. Ben always gets bored while I feed Sawyer in the car so he parked by a dollar store and he went in while I fed Sawyer. I told Ben to get me an awesome present. He came out and had me close my eyes while he put this on Sawyer! It was an awesome present for sure! The mustache didn't even phase Sawyer. We bought more to take better pictures with my new camera sometime.
We bought Sawyer some sunglasses and he loves them! I was really surprised that he keeps them on! He looks too cute in them!
 I was playing with my new camera and these are some cute pictures we got.
This is Sawyer's fishing outfit. I loved how he grabbed his glasses and overalls for this picture. He loves to grab his overalls. It is so cute, it makes him look like an old farmer.
We had to take some pictures with mustaches with his older cousins. They always ask us for mustaches now every time they see us.
 Unfortunately you can't see Sawyer that great in this picture but it was too funny to not post.
 Sawyer got his four month shots and they only had a Barbie band-aid so I had to take of picture of it.
 He did not feel good at all. He was so sad and mellow.
Snuggling with his friends helped him feel better though. He will snuggle with his toys but not mom or dad anymore unless he really doesn't feel good and is tired.
 Sawyer loves our love sac. He can sit up in it all on his own and it snuggles him.
This is Sawyer's lumberjack outfit. I love this shirt! It was too baggy on him for the longest time because he is so skinny but now it is almost too short and still a little baggy. Not to mention it is way to hot out now for it.
One evening I was doing dishes when all went quiet with Ben and Sawyer. Next thing I knew they came out of Sawyer's room like this. Ben says Sawyer was paper boy! I was laughing so hard!
Apparently Sawyer was fascinated with what Ben was doing so he just laid there and let Ben wrap him in paper. The pictures don't show it but he thought it was pretty funny.
Ben has mastered keeping Sawyer entertained while being lazy at the same time. Sawyer loves to play with Ben's hair so Ben just put Sawyer where he can play with his hair then naps. It works great.

We have decided we should stop buying Sawyer toys because his favorite things to play with are not toys. He loves straps the most but one evening Sawyer wasn't feeling good and was cranky and tired but wouldn't sleep, Ben gave him his monkey to snuggle with. Sawyer got a hold of a water bottle though and chose to snuggle with it and monkey was forgotten. He makes us laugh.
Unfortunately Sawyer has discovered the camera. He will be cute and snuggling with Dad which is a very rare occurrence so I will try to take a picture, but as soon as he sees the camera he is more interested in it and ruins the cute snuggly picture.

Another evening I was feeding Sawyer when Ben got up and disappeared. A few minutes later he came out of Sawyer's room with Sawyer's gorilla.
I don't know what inspired Ben but he had dressed Sawyer's gorilla in Sawyer's clothes and said it was his baby. There is never a dull moment with Ben.
I think these are the main highlights of what I have missed. We plan to go camping this weekend if Sawyer is feeling better and sleeping again. Hopefully I will post again soon if we do. If not I will try hard to post after the family reunion for sure!