Tuesday, January 1, 2013

New Year's

I forgot to take pictures over Christmas. I fail. Hopefully we will get some from Bill and Paige they were good and took pictures. We had a lot of fun over Christmas going to Dubois with the Smathers and snowmobiling though. It was Ben's first time and he had a lot of fun. We got some cute baby stuff from my parents, Bill and Paige, and my friend Kelsey. Ben's sister gave us an amazing picture of the Oquirrh Mountain temple. I have been wanting one and can't wait to hang it up. We now just have to work on getting a bigger picture of the Savior. Art work is so expensive though!
We had a pretty uneventful New Year's Eve. Ben has to do end of the month reports at midnight on the last night of every month so he had to go out to work about 11:30 to do those. I went along because I was bored and I wanted my first New Year's Eve kiss. I figured I would finally get one being married for it this year but his work tried to get in the way. It failed though and I got a little peck at midnight. :) Then we got back home and started watching Netflix and ended up staying up until 2:00. Then we ended up talking in bed until 4:00! I don't know how I was functioning. Then Ben's work phone rang at 5:30 and he had to head out to work to fix some stuff. I was scared he was going to fall asleep driving, but he was fine. Then he had to go back out to work at 9:00. Great way to start off the new year! He didn't get called out again the rest of the day though so he got to enjoy most of his day off.
I woke up wanting chocolate chip pancakes this morning so I headed to the kitchen to start making them.  Ben came in to help me and ended up sending me to go sit down and he would bring me my pancakes. Luckily I got bored and went back into the kitchen to talk to him while he cooked or I would not have gotten a picture of his awesome pancakes!
 As you can tell he made an excellent Micky Mouse, face and all. This was the front and back.

He then also attempted to make me a moose pancake from a cookie cutter I got from a friend a few birthdays ago. I couldn't believe he thought of it!

It did not turn out so well. He was pretty disappointed. This was the cookie cutter he was using.

He was bound and determined to make me a good moose pancake though and kept trying.

He held down the cookie cutter almost the entire time this one cooked. I think it turned out pretty well for a pancake! They also all tasted delicious! Ben decided to grow a beard over Christmas so he didn't have to shave. He says it is going to get shaved soon. I am quite excited. He says he is going to have a mustache for a while until it creeps him out. I think it will last maybe an hour before he is too creeped out by himself. I will try and get a picture of it when he saves.

The rest of the day we were just lazy and watched a movie and took a nap. Ben is playing Mario now. It has been a relaxing lazy day to start off the new year. Tomorrow we will get busy again. At least Ben will, I don't have a whole lot to do while I wait for next semester to start. I have been working on a rag quilt for Sawyer though. We had an ultrasound on the 21st and everything is going well. He weighs 4.1 lbs. He is moving around like crazy. We had a good laugh today watching him moving around making my stomach go into weird shapes today. Only 6 more weeks! We are so excited to meet our little man.

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